Siparila blog

  • New exterior cladding products - ARCTIC and NORDIC ranges

  • Fire rating requirements for timber facades are getting tougher

  • Interior design trends in 2024 – creative use of interior panels

  • Create a durable sauna with concealed and fully prefabricated panels

  • Siparila exterior cladding panels meet fire safety regulations now and in the future

  • Sustainable growth and trusted partnerships: The Stevens Timber & Co. with Siparila

  • Trends in wood construction featured strongly at the Habitare fair

  • Siparila's softwood cladding panels have a low carbon footprint – verified by the EPD environmental label

  • "The best wood cladding product we have ever worked with"

  • Increasing share of wood in material choices - now is a really good time to build

  • The top-coated panel with hidden fastening is effortless, fast and can be installed in all seasons

  • Well planned is half done - material choices affect the smoothness of cottage construction